

令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) denotes a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a degree. 1965年高等教育修正案, 修订的, 要求高等教育机构为接受联邦财政援助的学生建立“令人满意的学业进步(SAP)”的最低标准. Lincoln University makes its standard applicable to all federal, state and institutional funds. The satisfactory academic progress applies to all terms regardless of whether financial aid was received. 每年(春季学期结束时)对所有学生(全日制或非全日制)的学业进展进行评估。.

每学年结束(春季学期结束),对所有学生的学业进展进行评估。. 在学年中期(1月)入学或只参加一个学期的学生也将在春季学期结束时接受评估. 之后, these students will be evaluated at the end of the academic year unless on a financial aid appeal.

To ensure 令人满意的学业进展 students must meet all of the following standards:

  •  Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)
  •  Minimum Completion Standard for Attempted Credit Hours
  •  完成学位的最大时间框架


All undergraduate students must maintain the following minimum requirements to be in compliance with SAP:

  • 总完成时数:
    • 0-29学分
    • 30-59学分- 1.60平均绩点
    • 60-89学分- 1.80年平均绩点
    • 90+学分- 1.95年平均绩点
  • 必须获得67%的完成时间
  • Must not Exceed 150% of Hours Required for Degree Completion


All graduate students must maintain the following minimum requirements to be in compliance with SAP:

  • Must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0或更高
  • 必须获得67%的完成时间
  • Must not Exceed 150% of Hours Required for Degree Completion

Completion Standard for Completed Credit Hours (ALL STUDENTS)

Students who receive financial aid must successfully complete a minimum of 67% of all completed hours. If the number of completed hours drops below 67%, the student will no longer be eligible for financial aid. Completed hours include all hours completed at the University and transfer hours, whether or not the student earns a grade or receives credit. Successful completion of a course means the student received a grade of A, B, C或D(不包括研究生的D成绩或本科或研究生专业的必修课程).

计算, multiply the total number of attempted hours by 67 (rounded downward to the nearest whole number). 举个例子, 如果一个学生尝试了30个学分, she must complete a minimum of 23 credit hours (30 x .67 = 23),以确保全年的SAP.

最大时间范围 学生完成的学时数不得超过其学习计划毕业所需学时数的150%, 发表在《全球十大外围足球平台》上. If the published number of hours required for graduation is 120, an undergraduate student may not complete more than 180 credit hours (120 x 1.50= 180) and continue to receive financial aid. All completed hours are counted in determining the 180 hours limit, 包括转院时间, 是否获得经济援助 or the course work was successfully completed.

第二个学位 已经获得学士学位并正在攻读另一个本科学位的学生必须提交完整的第二学位表格. Second-degree students cannot exceed the aggregate loan limit for an undergraduate student. 第二学位的学生必须保持2.0 annually and pass 67% of the hours completed.

双学位/双专业 -Students must maintain progress as stated above. Students seeking a dual degree must be maintaining SAP prior to declaring their dual/double degree.

撤军 记录在学生成绩单上的“W”级成绩将被计入尝试学分,并将对学生维持SAP的能力产生不利影响. 正式退学的学生必须补足不足的学时,并鼓励他们参加暑期学校以弥补不足的学时. The successful completion of a course is defined as receiving one of the following grades: A, B, C或D. Courses with grades of F, I, U and W will not qualify in meeting the minimum standard.

不完全(I)等级 -未完成的成绩表明学生没有完成该成绩要求的所有课程,并包括在累计学分中. 一个不完整的将计入尝试时数,但不是作为小时过去,直到最终成绩张贴在注册办公室.

重复的课程 -除非教务长或院长另有说明,否则在本校必修课程中成绩不及格的学生必须复读并通过该课程. 学生(本科生和研究生)只能获得一次以前通过的课程的联邦财政资助. 已经通过一门成绩为D或更高的课程的学生只能再补课一次,并获得该课程的经济资助. All repeated courses are included in the total attempted hours for SAP evaluation.

专业变更 - A student may change from one degree to another during attendance at the University. 从一个专业转到另一个专业的学生仍然需要保持令人满意的学术进步,并在规定的时间框架或小时限制内完成课程工作,除非上诉被批准. All completed hours from a prior major are included in the total completed hours.

审计的课程 - Courses audited do not count as either attempted or earned hours.

个小时了 - The number of credit hours in which the student is enrolled on the day following the published last day to add/drop a class will be used as official enrollment for financial assistance purposes; full-time status is 12 or more hours. 如果学生在加/退课程的最后一天后退课,学生可能达不到一学年的最低学时数.

重新录取的学生将根据他们以前的学习成绩进行审查,以确定是否有资格获得援助, 是否获得经济援助. Re-admitted students not maintaining SAP must 提交 a letter of appeal.

被大学停学或开除的学生在重新入学后必须符合“满意学术政策”(SAP). Re-admitted students are not automatically eligible for 金融援助, if they do not meet the standard; they have an option to 提交 an appeal.


没有达到令人满意的学业进步标准的学生没有资格获得进一步的经济援助, 包括暑期学校. 学生经济援助办公室将在春季学期结束时通过致函其永久家庭邮寄地址和大学电子邮件帐户通知学生其经济援助终止.

经济援助被终止的学生必须在恢复援助之前消除其学术缺陷或提出上诉. This includes students who withdraw from a class or the semester, receives all “F’s” for the semester or receive a grade of “Incomplete”.


经济援助被终止的学生必须在恢复援助之前消除其学术缺陷或提出上诉. Students who withdraw from a class or classes after the add/drop period, receives all "F’s" for the semester or a grade of "Incomplete" may be ineligible for aid for the next term.

因未能达到SAP标准而被拒绝联邦和/或州经济援助的学生有机会对该决定提出上诉. Students may appeal the decision in writing to the 招生, Academic Standing and 金融援助 committee, if there were extenuating circumstances that led to the unsatisfactory academic progress. The student will be notified in writing by the University Registrar of the Committee’s decision.



Students not meeting 令人满意的学业进展 may appeal for consideration of financial aid. To appeal for the reinstatement of financial aid eligibility, 学生应填写并向学生经济援助办公室提交“学业进步满意申诉表”,说明可减轻的情况(1).e. 个人疾病, 受伤, 医疗问题, 不必要的困难, 父母或直系亲属死亡, or other special circumstances) that may have prevented the student from performing at his/her academic best. The appeal form must be accompanied by an Academic Action Plan approved by the student’s academic advisor. Students who are granted an appeal will be placed on Progress Probation. The student’s progress will be reviewed each semester thereafter.  At the conclusion of the probationary semester, a new progress check will be conducted.

Students, who unsuccessfully meet the requirements of the Academic Plan, may appeal a final time.

Students will be notified, in writing of the appeal decision. 被批准上诉但不符合要求的学生将被暂停经济援助,直到取得令人满意的学业进步. (所有决定为最终决定)

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of his or her academic progress each semester. 学生经济援助办公室将尽一切努力及时通知学生取消奖励和学业进展状况


电话: 800-561-2606


电话: 800-561-2606


Ms. 尼古拉·汤普森

办公室: 484-365-7560


办公室: 484-365-7564